From Zero to One Sale a Day on Etsy: Step-by-Step Guide for Sellers

Jul 02, 2024

Starting, building, and growing an Etsy shop can feel overwhelming. It’s easy to get lost in the big picture, especially when revenue goals seem out of reach. But what if I told you that breaking down these goals into manageable steps could make all the difference? Let’s dive into how you can average one sale a day or more on Etsy.


Think Small: Break Down Your Goals

When you set a big revenue goal, like $20,000 a year, it can seem insurmountable, especially when you’re starting from zero sales. But breaking it down into smaller, targeted chunks makes it more manageable:


  Monthly: 83 sales

  Weekly: 19 sales

  Daily: 3 sales


Now, aiming for three sales a day feels much more achievable. And if your average product price is $20, this breakdown puts you on the right track.


Pro Tip: Increase Your Revenue Per Customer

To make things even easier, try increasing your revenue per customer. This means you’ll need fewer sales to hit your target. But let’s focus on the core strategy for now.


Start Here: Focus on 1 Sale a Day

Before aiming for three sales a day, start by targeting one sale a day. Once you consistently hit this mark, you’ll find it easier to scale up. The key here is to shift your focus from the lag measure (the end result) to the lead measures (the actions that drive the result).


What Are Lag and Lead Measures?

  Lag Measures: The end results you want, such as averaging one sale a day.

  Lead Measures: The daily actions that lead to those results.

Many people focus on lag measures, like wanting to lose 20 pounds or save $50k, but just focusing on the end result won’t help you achieve it. Instead, you need to identify and consistently perform the actions that will lead to your desired outcome.


Get More Traffic

For Etsy sellers, one common answer is to get more traffic to your shop. Here’s how:

 1. Open Your Wallet: Invest in paid ads.

 2. Roll Up Your Sleeves: Put in more work with strategies like:

  Creating more listings

  Conducting better SEO research

  Improving your product photos

  Producing more content

  Enhancing your marketing efforts

  Providing superior customer service


Choose Your Lead Measures

Pick one or two of these lead measures to focus on daily. Track your actions and monitor your progress toward achieving more traffic and sales. After three months, evaluate your performance:

  Are you getting more traffic?

  Are you making more sales?

  Have you been consistent with your lead measures?


Stay the Course or Pivot

Based on your evaluation, decide whether to stay the course, pivot your strategy, or improve your consistency. The key is to rinse and repeat until you find what works best for you.



This journey is much like your actual Etsy business – it’s not simple, but it’s comprehensive. By breaking down your goals and focusing on actionable steps, you can achieve that one sale a day milestone and beyond. Remember, consistency is key.


Thanks for reading! If you found this blog post helpful, please share it with someone who might benefit. Stay consistent and keep pushing forward. You’ve got this!